Sunday 26 February 2012

My Beauty Diary Mask Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask

So, if you are an avid reader of mine, you do know that my general feelings towards My Beauty Diary masks are that they are really wet with tons of products on the mask sheet. As for their after-effects towards the skin, they are just kinda 'meh'

The same goes to this mask. Although it smells great (these range of masks always smells awesome which I kinda enjoy a lot), I really don't see much difference (or is it just me being picky?). On the packaging, it claims that its able to brighten, soothe iration and tighten the skin. I do feel the tightening effect for approx 2 1/2 hour but after that, its back to normal baby.

You know, I don't really need to do the reviews on My Beauty Diary Masks as they basically smell great, soak in tons of products but without too much effect on the skin.

Star Rating: 6.5* / 10*

**P/s: Always remember to not waste the product by applying the leftover products (on the piece of paper, in the packaging and on the used mask) to the other parts of your body especially the elbows, the underarms and the knees**

Thursday 23 February 2012

How to Prevent Pre-mature Aging

Ladies ladies, I can totally hear you clear and loud, most of us are afraid of aging in any form. Wrinkles, dementia, hyperpigmentations, hormonal imbalance, increased risks of diabetes, cancer, heart diseases... Well, you name it, humans got it.

But the most concern of all, would be the sagging of skin and the fine lines that tarnishes our beauty (some may regard them as beautiful wisdom lines). So, here are some advice on how I deal with the ordeal of pre-mature aging (of course, with some help from the internet and books)

How to Prevent Pre-mature Aging

- Sugar
- Caffeine
- Processed food
- Side Sleeping
- Stress
- Lack of Sleep
- Dry Skin
- Smokers/Smoking
- Sun

2. Try your best to avoid as much items in Number 1. as you can.

3. Take age-friendly food:
- Fresh foods & veg
- Organic food
- Good quality protein: chicken, fish, soy, eggs, nuts
- Raw food
- Water

4. Wear sunscreen at all times except sleeping time

5. Take supplements (antioxidant preferred): Vitamin A, C, E

**Image source:**